Welcome to Farmin Stidwell!

24/25 School Year Bell Schedule

Monday - Thursday 7:55am - 2:25pm (Tardy bell rings at 8:00)

EARLY RELEASE every Friday 7:55am - 1:25pm (Tardy bell rings at 8:00)

Boosterthon 2024!

1st Grade!

Mrs. Lorden's 4th Grade!

Pumpkin Patch Visits!

From the Principal 

    Dear Farmin Stidwell Families,
    Happy new year! January brings a fresh and rejuvenated spirit to the building -- and a well-rested staff! We were plagued with quite a bit of illness striking students and staff alike in December, and our building has been cleaned, sanitized, and is ready for the new year. 

    Mid-year academic testing is upon us, and students will be working with teachers to set goals for growth and achievement in the upcoming weeks. Our K-3 students will take the IRI -- Idaho Reading Indicator -- through Istation (administered each month, but benchmark data is used and analyzed more specifically in September, January and May by our teachers and school district). Students in grades 2-6 will complete MAP testing this month, where we will look at growth and achievement from not only fall to winter, but from January of last year as well. For more information about MAP testing please see the MAP Family Toolkit (click for link). 

    If your family is open enrolled at Farmin Stidwell, now is the time to re-apply for next year. You can do that HERE. Please note that priority deadline is Feb. 1st. I would also like to invite you to our Title I Family Night Friday, January 31st. We will have literacy activities and show a movie on the giant blow up screen in the gym. Doors will open at 5:30. The movie will be Happy Feet. As always, thank you for supporting Farmin Stidwell. 

With gratitude,
Dr. Betsy Dalessio
Principal, Farmin Stidwell 

*For the most up-to-date school information, please read our weekly Wolf Headlines sent every Sunday through text message at 4 p.m., read our monthly newsletter (sent through School Messenger text and email to all parents/guardians the first Friday of the month) or follow our Facebook page @Farmin Stidwell Elementary. You can find past newsletters here: PAST ISSUES 

Check out our student handbook HERE!